Saturday, January 14, 2012


The other night we went back to Anthrium for dinner.  Located on Abdullah Bin Sulaiman Al Hamdan Street, a friend suggested we go there to experience some exquisite French dining in Riyadh.  He also said it was expensive, which explains why, on that visit, we only had coffee.  Hubby wasn't hungry enough to spend money.

He did like this sign outside though:

The downstairs dining is windowless so on this, our second visit, we headed for upstairs in the hope of getting a window seat to look at views, something I have come to realise I really miss with my dinner, apart from wine. 

The food is beautifully presented and quite delish though I would say more Asian than French.  I left with the impression this is Riyadh's attempt at fine dining outside of five star hotels, complete with bow tied and attentive wait staff.

Unfortunately my camera work on this visit is not up to scratch at all, so I will have to go back just to get a few more shots, but here's some of what we dined on.

The sushi dragon looked very impressive...

...but the highlight of the meal had to be the sorbet.

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