Sunday, March 11, 2012

Chocolata Cafe

Are you a chocolate freak?

Then you may find Chocolata Cafe to your liking.

It's on King Fahad Road in the block of diners between the Novotel Hotel and Kingdom Tower.  Access to the family section is around the back, which, the first time I went was a bit of a freaky experience because there wasn't much light at night.

The foyer of Chocolata Cafe is decked out as a chocolate bar - dark chocolate I think.  The dining area for families is, as per usual, upstairs.

My first impression of the interior was dark, small and...bitsy.  There's an area in the middle of the cafe that looks down into the Singles Section below which might have been nice on the architects design plan but only serves to take detract from the space in the Family Section upstairs.  

The booth was a bit dim, but on request there was a light hiding behind a curtain that brightened things up sufficently to read.  The menu is loaded with chocolate goodies, so if you're a chocolate lover you'll be happy, though Hubster thinks the chocolate is the 'less cacao, more sugar' variety. 

For those, like myself ,who are not in love with chocolate there are other options.  The carrot cake made up for any doubts my first impressions may have formed about the place.

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