Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tiramisu At Bateel

Being a bit of a Tiramisu freak, I tend to order it whenever it's on the dessert menu.  Yes, the Saudi version does lack a drop of liqueur, but I still have difficulty looking at other desserts when Tiramisu is around.

The other day, I enjoyed a deliciously creamy Tiramisu for breakfast
at Cafe Bateel.
A great deal of control was exercised not to order another.  Plus Hubster was giving me a 'Don't you dare' stare.

Tiramisu probably isn't the best dietary choice for breakfast, but 'Hey', I said to Hubster, 'we only live once'.   He gave me that 'Chin Down UnHappy Jowls Whatever' look.

There is a reason he's less than pleased with my Breakfast Tiramisu.  We have promised ourselves (though it wasn't a 'Pinky Swear' which is why one of us may be having problems committing) that we would trim down after our food and beverage indulgent trip home recently.

It crossed my mind, with Hubster's critical eye frowning at my almost pout, that if I fancied Tiramisu for breakfast at Bateel in the future, I may have to go alone!

My friend K makes a delicious Tiramisu too, and last time I called round to her place she had whipped it up for our breakfast, along with a number of other treats.  She's a great cook K.  We also had cake with strawberry's and cream, cassava, an Asian chicken dish and blueberry muffins.

Hubster's query about my day with K didn't go into detail about the mouth watering, home baked delicacies that came out of her kitchen because I didn't want him to feel bad that he went to work and only had fruit for lunch.  (I'm fairly certain he appreciates my thinking of him like that).

The other day, when he suggested spoiling ourselves with Bateel for breakfast I didn't hesitate in agreeing it was a brilliant idea.  It had been a while since we spent the morning at Bateel and it was nice to see the place had plenty of patrons at that early mid-morning hour.  Many restaurants in Riyadh start with a whizz and a bang, then fizzle out in popularity because there are a huge number of eateries to choose from in this city when thoughts turn to food.  There are so many, in fact, that I heard talk the Foreign Investment Authority was thinking of cutting back on the number of licences it would dish out for food places.

It's good to see Bateel is still popular - probably owing to the quality of the Tiramisu.

Sent wishing you a fabulous day :)

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