Friday, October 28, 2011

Second Cup

If I just want coffee in premises that has a lot of natural light (Family Sections can be very dim) I’ll go to Second Cup, in the Localiser Mall on Tahalia Street.

The staff are friendly and patient as I try to decide which syrup flavour I'll add to my coffee before coming to the final decision that all I really want is simply coffee.

They have the plastic, mass produced tasting cakes and muffins, but the coffee is good and at least I can read my book without needing to take a torch especially if I get a window seat with a view of  a busy Tahalia Street intersection, which is more than possible when I go early in the day.

The booths with a view are roomy enough for two or three people and for privacy you simply draw the large red curtains around - though I rarely do.

If you have gammy legs it would pay to go elsewhere for your beverage.  Though the stairway up is clean, cool, spacious and made of some type of stone, it could be a hassle for the those with stair issues.

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