Saturday, October 22, 2011


If you want an almost total meat experience you have go to Terrazzo Restaurant on the first floor of Faisaliah Hotel.

This restaurant, which some say is Brazilian though I've never asked to confirm such rumors, is located on an outdoor balcony with hedging verges and a view of the south tower of the hotel.  In the summer spraying mist helps to keep you cool.  The winter evenings can be very cold so the restaurant provides thick desert coats for the diners.  The coats are so warm you're tempted to go buy one before you leave the country.

Once shown to your seat the waiters explain the proceedings.  You can help yourself to the delicious salad bar available, though I've found filling up on salad severely uses up stomach space best left for the meat.

The waiters walk around with meat on a skewer and carve it onto your plate. Buffalo, lamb, shrimp, antelope, chicken, turkey, ostrich, gazelle – just to name a few.  Once you've had enough meat simply turn the little disk next to your plate to red, the waiters and the meat will then pass you by.

A little digestion time is usually required before heading up the steps to the desert trolley with a nice selection of ice creams to finish off your visit to Terrazzo's on a sweet note which melts nicely into the abdomen after the meat feast.

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